- 店名
- スナックたんぽぽ
- Snack Bar Tanpopo
- 店铺名称
- 蒲公英
- 가게명
- 스낵 탄포포
- 8:00-23:00 日曜日定休 Closed on Sunday
- 説明
- 黄色い壁と電飾が目印のたんぽぽです。スナック感はすごくありますが、店内はお酒を楽しく飲みお客さんや、ご飯だけを食べに来るお客さんと入りやすいお店になってます!
- Tanpopo is easy to find due to the cheery string lights strung on their outer yellow walls. Although it has a very snack bar-like atmosphere, it's also a chill place where you can enjoy some drinks. If you're not in the mood to drink, it's also a great place to simply enjoy a meal. The recommendation is 'popoyaki,' a dish similar to okonomiyaki, a savory Japanese pancake. Although it looks like okonomiyaki, the texture might be a surprise! It pairs well with alcohol, so please give it a try.
- 概述
- 蒲公英的标志是黄色的墙壁和电灯。 虽然餐厅的氛围很像小吃店,但对于喜欢喝酒或只想吃东西的顾客来说,这里还是很容易进入的!
推荐的 "Popoyaki "看起来像大阪烧,但吃起来的口感......与酒很配,请一定试试☆。
- 설명
- 노란색의 벽에 귀여운 전구 장식이 돋보이는 탄포포. 스낵인가? 싶지만, 가게 안에는 술을 즐겁게 마시는 손님은 물론 밥만 먹으러 오는 손님도 있어 들어가기 쉬운 분위기입니다.
추천메뉴인 '뽀뽀야키'는 오코노미야키처럼 보이지만 먹어보면 식감이(!) 술과 잘 어울리기 때문에 꼭 먹어보시기 바랍니다☆